Straight fertiliser

Farmers want their crop to be illustrious, rich and nutrient dense. This takes years of hard work and precision. And, getting to know your plants. A large part of yielding the best product is using the best fertiliser in your soil. The incorrect balance of nutrients, and you could potentially damage your crops. And, that costs you money. Today we discuss the advantages of straight fertiliser.

What is the best fertiliser to use?

While compound and mixed fertilisers hold the ability to simultaneously remedy several issues in plants, straights have gained popularity. One third of South African Farmers are already using straights, and it is very clear why.

Straight fertilisers contain only one nutrient at a time. It’s that simple. Adding one nutrient at a time gives you control over what you are feeding your plants, and allows you to balance the nutrients that they will yield.

The law of the minimum

Straight fertiliser allows you to fix a particular nutrient deficiency in your yield, without compromising the other elements of the crop. All farmers know that crop growth is mainly limited by the most deficient nutrients, as per the law of the minimum. By identifying a plant’s particular deficit and evening this deficit out directly, you provide balance much easier than by overfeeding.

Affordability of straight fertiliser and wastage

Farming is pricey. Straight fertiliser is a more affordable option, and many farmers find it to be a less wasteful option too. Excessive fertilising can actually be devastating on plants. So, over saturating them in nutrients that they already have is not only wasteful, but may potentially pollute the soils and ground water. Excessive fertilisation also causes root burn from which many plants never recover.

The more economical approach would be testing a soil sample and then applying the straights that are specifically needed. In other words, tailoring to feed your crop’s unique deficit while saving money.

Environmental implications of not considering straight fertiliser

A mixed fertiliser could raise already high levels of the other nutrients in the plant. Moreover, mixed fertilisers can cause several negative environmental affects and can even affect the crop itself. Environmental hazards include; groundwater pollution, eutrophication (which is the enrichment of water by the addition of nutrients) and soil acidity are a few.

Buying straights minimises the risk that comes with producing crop with solely mixed fertilisers. Additionally, straights are affordable and allow farmers to add nutrients one by one. Navigate our website and find out how you can purchase straights straight from importers.