1. Hoe is dit enigsins moontlik dat Oté kunsmis teen wesenlike laer pryse kan aanbied?

a. In beginsel het Oté ‘n hart om boere te help om insetkoste te verlaag ten einde volhoubaar te boer.

b. Dit is dus ‘n doelbewustelike besluit van Oté om ‘n wen-wen verhouding tussen Oté en boere te vestig waar albei ‘n gemaklike bestaan kan maak.

c. Oté hef dus deurentyd slegs ‘n vaste transaksiefooi per ton in plaas daarvan om boere uit te buit deur met opportunistiese hoë winste soos sommige tradisionele kunsmis verskaffers.

d. Verder gebruik Oté tegnologie om die ketting tussen die invoerder en die boer korter te maak deur die tradisionele middelman uit te skakel wat beteken dat die oorhoofse kostes van so ‘n middelman, asook die hoë winsgrense van die tradisionele kunsmis verskaffers uitgeskakel word.

2. Word daar enigsins ingeboet op die kwaliteit van die kunsmis wat Oté verskaf ten einde die prys te kan verlaag?

a. Die antwoord is ‘n definitiewe “NEE”.

b. Nie net word die kunsmis wat Oté verskaf van presies dieselfde verskaffers aangekoop nie, maar dit is ook presies dieselfde kunsmis.

c. Alle kunsmis is geregistreer by die Misstof Vereeniging en het die vereiste registrasienommers.

d. Alle kunsmis kom met ‘n waarborg van die verskaffer.

3. Watter maatreëls is in plek om seker te maak die kunsmis wat op die plaas afgelewer word is op die standaard wat die boer verwag?

a. Vir elke besending kunsmis wat Oté aanbied is daar vooraf ‘n spesifikasie blad beskikbaar wat die kwaliteit van die kunsmis bevestig sodat ‘n boer presies weet wat hy koop.

b. Oté se verskaffer onderneem om alle kunsmis wat by hulle store afgelaai word vooraf te sif wanneer dit nodig is, om seker te maak stof of klont probleme word beperk.

c. Deur die middelman uit te skakel word die kunsmis effektief twee keer minder hanteer deur dit nie ook by die middelman af te laai en weer op te laai nie, maar direk by die boer op sy plaas. Hoe minder die kunsmis hanteer word hoe minder die kans vir verwering en uiteindelik stof en klonte.

4. Hoe kan ek seker wees my geld is veilig sodat ek nie vir kunsmis betaal wat ek dan nie kry nie?

a. Oté is in die proses om ‘n samewerking te finaliseer met ‘n betroubare derde-party betaalstelsel. Meer besonderhede sal bekend gemaak word sodra dit gefinaliseer is.

b. As rolspeler in die Landousektor, besef Oté dat ons reputasie van uiterse belang is en dat daar geen risiko aan enige partye kan wees nie. Ons huidige prosesse maak daarvoor voorsiening dat risko beperk is. Kontak gerus vir Oté om verwysings te bekom van transakies wat alreeds afgehandel is.

5. In watter verpakking is die kunsmis beskikbaar?
a. Los maat
b. 50kg sakkies in 1 ton “sling-bags”
c. 1000kg sakke

Al hierdie verpakkings word in 34-ton vragte verskeep.
6. Hoekom stel Oté voor dat boere hulle kunsmis sover as moontlik in losmaat neem?

a. Soos enige besigheid moet ‘n boer ook voortdurend alternatiewe opsies oorweeg om sy insetkoste so laag as moontlik te hou ten einde volhoubaarheid te verseker. Hier is ‘n geleentheid vir ‘n wesenlike addisionele besparing.

b. Die boer spaar dadelik ‘n minimum van R220 per ton aan versakkingskoste.

c. In meeste gebiede is “side-tipper” vragmotors meer beskikbaar as platbak vragmotors en is die besparing op ‘n “side-tipper” vragmotor teenoor ‘n platbak vragmotor ten minste R100 per ton.

d. ‘n Addisionele minimum besparing van R320 per ton maak ‘n wesenlike verskil in ‘n boer se totale kunsmis rekening.

7. Hoekom fokus Oté daarop om “straights” beskikbaar te maak aan boere in plaas van vooraf vermengde kunsmis?

a. Ons siening is dat boere die beste weet hoe om voedingstowwe op sy plaas toe te dien en hulle doen navorsing deur goeie inligting te bekom om die beste besluit vir sy boerdery te neem.

b. Ons weet ook dat Boere aan die voorpunt staan wanneer dit kom by die gebruik van beter tegnologie en dat hulle alreeds beskik oor die volgende inligting wat nodig is om te bepaal watter tipe voedingstowwe in bepaalde hoeveelhede toegedien moet word om opbrengs te optimaliseer:

i. Grond ontledings
ii. Opbrengs verslae per area

c. Die nodige toerusting om spesifieke voedingstowwe op ‘n spesifieke area op die lande in die korrekte hoeveelhede toe te dien is ook deesdae baie meer beskikbaar en bekostigbaar as in die verlede.

d. Behalwe dus dat die boer kunsmis bespaar deur net die nodige voedingstowwe toe te dien wat op ‘n spesifieke area benodig word spaar die boer verder ook aan koste van vermenging.

e. Verwys na die volgende artikel

8. Wanneer is die beste tyd om aan te koop?

a. Dit bly ‘n uitdagende vraag en Oté het begrip wat se groot besluit dit vir ‘n boer is om te maak.

b. En alhoewel niemand met sekerheid kan sê wanneer die regte tyd is om aan te koop nie stel Oté die volgende beskikbaar om boere te help met die besluit:

i. Grafieke met die weeklikse wêreldprys oor die afgelope 7 jaar en ook vir die jaar-tot-datum sodat boere die tendens kan volg.
ii. Ons verskaffers se opinie oor mark kragte wat ‘n invloed kan hê op die prysbeweging.
iii. Weeklikse pryse van voorraad wat beskikbaar is in SA
1. How is it possible that Oté can offer fertilizer at substantially lower prices?

a. In principle, Oté has a heart to help farmers lower input costs to farm sustainably.

b. It is therefore a goal-conscious decision of Oté to establish a win-win relationship between Oté and farmers, where both parties benefit, and neither is compromised in any way.

c. Oté therefore consistently charges only a fixed transaction fee per ton instead of exploiting farmers with opportunistic high gains like some traditional fertilizer suppliers do.

d. In addition, Oté uses technology & economies of scale to make the chain between the importer and the farmer shorter by cutting out the traditional middleman, which means that the overall costs of such a middleman, as well as the high profit margins of the traditional fertilizer suppliers are eliminated.

2. Is there any compromise on the quality of the fertiliser that is supplied by Oté lower the price?

a. The answer is a definite “NO”.

b. Not only is the fertilizer that Oté provides from the exact same suppliers, but it is also the same fertilizer.

c. All fertilizers are registered with FERTASA and have the required registration numbers.

d. All fertilizers come with a guarantee from the supplier/manufacturer/importer.

3. What controls are in place to ensure that the fertilizer that is delivered on the farm complies to the standard the farmer expects?

a. For every consignment fertilizer that is offered, a specification page is available in advance that confirms the quality of the fertilizer so that a farmer knows exactly what he is buying.

b. Oté‘s suppliers undertake to screen all fertilizers that are delivered at their stores, as and when required, to mitigate possible dust or lump problems.

c. By cutting out the middleman, the fertilizer is effectively handled two times less by not delivering to the middleman, but directly to the farmer on his farm. The less the fertilizer is handled the less chance for deterioration and eventually dust and lumps.

4. How can I be sure my money is safeguarded so that I do not pay for fertilizer I do not get?

a. Oté is in the process of partnering with a reputable 3rd party payment gateway. More details will be published as soon as this is finalized.

b. As a role-player in the Agricultural Sector, Oté is mindful of the significant reputational risk that will be incurred in the event of an end-user incurring a financial loss. Oté’s current practices ensure virtually zero risk. Contact Oté for references of transactions already done.

5. In what packaging sizes is the fertilizer available?
a. Bulk
b. 50kg bags in 1 ton “sling-bags”
c. 1000kg bags

All these are shipped in 34-ton loads.
6. Why does Oté suggest that farmers rather buy their fertilizer in bulk?

a. Like any business, a farmer must also continuously consider alternative options to keep input costs as low as possible to ensure sustainability. Here is an opportunity for a substantial additional saving.

b. The farmer immediately saves a minimum of R220 per ton on bagging cost.

c. In most areas, side-tipper trucks are more available than flat-deck trucks and is the saving on using a side-tipper truck versus a flat-deck truck at least R100 per ton.

d. The additional minimum savings of R320 per ton makes a significant difference in a farmer’s total fertilizer cost.

7. Why does Oté focus on making “straights” available to farmers instead of pre-mixed fertilizers?

a. Our view is that farmers know best what nutrients are needed and how to apply these to their farm. Farmers do their research by obtaining accurate information on which to base their decision.

b. We also know that farmers are on the forefront when it comes to using the latest technology and that they already have the following information necessary to determine what type of nutrients are required in which areas and in the correct quantities to optimize yield:

i. Soil analyses
ii. Yield reports per area


c. The equipment needed to apply specific nutrients in a specific area on the land in the correct quantities is also more freely available and affordable than in the past.

d. Apart from allowing the farmer to save fertilizer by only applying the necessary nutrients needed on a specific area, the farmer also saves on blending cost.

e. Refer article

8. When is the best time to buy?

a. It remains a daunting question and Oté respects the farmer’s wisdom and insight for this difficult decision.

b. Although no one can say with certainty when the right time is to buy, Oté makes the following available to assist farmers with the decision:

i. Graphs with the weekly world prices over the past 7 years and for the year-to-date, so that farmers can follow the trends.
ii. Our supplier’s opinion on market forces that might influence the price movement.
iii. Weekly prices of stock available in SA
These are most FAQ, please reach out with any other questions


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pdf | Oté Oplossing VS Status Quo


pdf | Oté Solution VS Status Quo


pdf | Hoe koop ek kunsmis via Oté?


pdf | How do I buy fertiliser via Oté?


pdf | Oté Groep Maatskappyprofiel


pdf | Oté Group Company Profile


pdf | Vrae en Antwoorde


pdf | Frequently Asked Questions